Instructions of Using Privacy Policy Template Feature

Instructions of Using Privacy Policy Template Feature

Welcome to the PrivacyHub! This tutorial explains how you create a privacy policy template and utilize the template during the process of creating privacy policy.


Step 1. Visit your Space on PrivacyHub and select Procedure on navigation menu bar.

Step 2. Under the table list of Procedures, there’s now a new table called “Privacy Policy Template” and you can add a new privacy policy template by left-clicking the button “Create new privacy policy template”. Then, PrivacyHub will open another new tab that redirects you to drag-and-drop menu.


Step 3. On this menu, you can create your own privacy policy template from scratching by dragging-and-dropping available global procedures on the Templates list. If there’s no available procedure that you want to include, you can create your own procedure by adding an item called “New Headline”.


Step 4. After creating the privacy policy template, you can save your progress by left-clicking the button “Save and back to dashboard” on the top left side of the page.


Step 5. As per usual, you can create a privacy policy by left-clicking on the button “Create a new statement“ on the right side of Privacy Policy page.


Step 6. Select the “Privacy“ option and proceed to the next submenu. Then, you can see there’s a new submenu and you can select which privacy policy template to use. This privacy policy will be generated based on the privacy policy template.


Step 7. Here’s a generated privacy policy based on the privacy policy template example.


Notes: You can also create another privacy policy template for your space, edit the existing templates, copies this template to other spaces, and delete a template by left clicking the three dots icon on the right side of the table.


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